Managed WordPress Hosting

As you will know if you have been through the full Membership Maximizer training, WordPress is one of the best content management systems on the web right now and there are lots of plugins to help you turn it into a fully fledged membership site.

Whilst it is free and can be loaded onto almost any hosting server there are several reason you might want to invest in premium hosting designed for WordPress. Managed WordPress Hosting The first reason you might be interested in choosing a premium managed hosting account for your WordPress membership site is because of the speed.

With more mobile devices than ever before and Google now taking the load time of your website into account for search rankings it’s important to make sure your site loads fast. Typically managed hosting is built on scalable cloud systems with servers across the globe meaning your site will load fast wherever your visitors are.

The second reason you might want to consider managed WordPress hosting is to increase your sites security. Managed servers often have powerful systems in place to detect & block hacking attacks and generally keep the bad guys out. I’ve launched products before and had hundreds of thousands of attempted entries in just a single weekend. The effect of this on your business can be very costly, not just in lost sales if they succeed but also excess bandwidth costs.

As well as making your site faster and protecting your content managed WordPress hosting can also help to prepare your site for success. If you suddenly get hundreds of thousands of visits when your site is mentioned on the news or linked from an authority site the average host will simply shut down under the pressure. As was previously mentioned managed WordPress hosting is typically built on scalable cloud servers and has been specifically designed to survive the spikes.

Which Premium Managed WordPress Hosting?

You can check out three of the most recognised premium and managed WordPress hosts below!


This is one of the newer hosts in this space but they are definitely worth checking out. Their offering is based on the Google Cloud Platform so you know it is fast and secure. Plus they have a very helpful round the clock support support team

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One of the original premium managed WordPress hosting outlets, however they primarily support enterprise level clients so if you are just getting started they may not be the best solution.

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WP Engine

WP Engine are one of the most well known managed WordPress hosts, plus they have now acquired StudioPress themes so you get a full collection of premium StudioPress Genesis themes when you sign up with them.

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